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Quick Veiw

jabdi003jabdi003 Alum Member
edited October 2018 in November 2018 LSAT 45 karma

Hey Guys!
I have taken various PTs (60-78) and have used the grader section of 7sage to grade them. If I purchase the starter will I be able to quick view all the questions I got wrong? Currently it shows a lock, but I’m not sure if the starter may unlock a quick view for pt 72 for example. It says analytics is unlocked with the starter and just wanted to confirm this. I would do the Ultimate but I can only afford the starter. Thanks!


  • MissChanandlerMissChanandler Alum Member Sage
    3256 karma

    You'll only have explanation videos for PTs that you've purchased/are included in the Starter (minus logic games of course). You'll still be able to grade any test with analytics and see which answers are right/wrong, you just won't have the explanations.

  • jabdi003jabdi003 Alum Member
    45 karma

    Would I be able to use the quick view tool of the question?

    It is shown at 4:35 in the link above

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