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Law magazines recommendations?

PeaceofmindPeaceofmind Alum Member
in General 446 karma

I subscribed The Economist paper magazines and thought it helped my reading skills. But they don’t have many LSAT-style law articles. Is there any law magazines that are recommended for LSAT extra-curriculum reading? Preferably something that has paper version since I prefer to read on paper and won’t be taking the digital LSAT (hopefully).


  • drbrown2drbrown2 Alum Member
    2227 karma

    You could read actual law review articles if you want to read something law related, but they are really dense and get much further into the weeds than an LSAT RC passage.

    Most law magazines I’m familiar with deal more in legal business and legal education current events. I don’t subscribe to any so I’m not really sure.

    Are you just looking for something to read outside of RC passages and away from studying or are you trying to gain familiarity with legal concepts? The law is huge and requires active reading and you should probably spend non-study time reading a novel or something and turning off your brain.

    The Economist is great. Not sure it really translates into RC success but you are benefitting from reading that for sure. Read a couple of articles every day and enjoy being a well-informed citizen who gets their news from somewhere outside of Facebook/Cable News.

  • studyingandrestudyingstudyingandrestudying Core Member
    5254 karma

    Thinking we have plenty of law RC passages if you start from the early PTs. The Manhattan LSAT Blog has a column series called the RC Reading Club that has links to articles.

  • PeaceofmindPeaceofmind Alum Member
    446 karma

    Hey that’s a great resource! I will check it out. Thanks!

  • PeaceofmindPeaceofmind Alum Member
    446 karma

    I’m looking to get familiarity with legal concepts and want to feel comfortable when I read law passages. The Economist has helped me a lot in feeling comfortable with lengthy articles written in dense language, particularly for the science, art , and humanity passages. However, during my last PT, I found myself still intimidated by the law passage and bombed it. Other passages I felt much more comfortable and loose while reading. I don’t really have a lot of time to read and study so when I do have time I want to devote myself in readings that can help LSAT more directly. I personally think reading novels requires a complete different reading style and can’t really train the reading skills LSAT demands.
    I also drilled LSAT law passages before but I got sick and burned out very quickly and thought I’d enjoy studying much more if I don’t confine my RC training material to LSAT passages :)

  • drbrown2drbrown2 Alum Member
    2227 karma

    Fair enough. Anything with advanced language that requires active reading will help you exercise your reading muscles. Novels are better at night when you’re trying to go to bed

    @lsatplaylist said:
    Thinking we have plenty of law RC passages if you start from the early PTs. The Manhattan LSAT Blog has a column series called the RC Reading Club that has links to articles.

    This also looks great.

    Also, if you come across a law passage that goes completely over your head try looking up some of the concepts. Plenty of YouTube videos and articles out there.

  • PeaceofmindPeaceofmind Alum Member
    446 karma

    Hey I’ve never thought about checking legal concepts on YouTube before! That’s a great advice and I’m gonna check it out! Thanks for the suggestions :)

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