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Read all question choices or stop after found correct

PhilawsopherKing180PhilawsopherKing180 Alum Member
in General 26 karma

I'd love to hear opinions on this... especially from top scorers. I'm PT-ing around 165 right now and time is my issue on missing RC and LG Q's. I have been typically reading all 5 answer choices but I've been trending away from that recently. If I've read the stimulus carefully and know what answer I'm looking for, I may just skim for the correct AC and move on. Do you think this is the best approach? Or is it better to eliminate answers and confirm the right choice (get two chances instead of one to get it right)? This may be an area where I just need to figure out the best approach for myself but let me know what you think.


  • drbrown2drbrown2 Alum Member
    2227 karma

    You will have to get a feel for hunting answers and your personal confidence levels. Don't try to prove everything out in LG if you've already found the winner. Sometimes choosing an LR or RC answer without eliminating the rest will backfire if you fall for a trap. On certain question types in LR (SA, Parallel questions, etc.) you should move on after finding the answer you are hunting for. I think the same goes for the RC questions that you can refer back to something specifically stated in the passage. The strongly implied questions are usually tougher and you should try to eliminate all the wrong answer choices as long as you leave enough time to work through the rest of the section.

  • MissChanandlerMissChanandler Alum Member Sage
    3256 karma

    For LG: Once you've found the answer, move on
    For LR: For the easier questions, just move on. For the harder ones, I tend to read all the answer choices more carefuly
    For RC: I definitely read every AC

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