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If your LSAT went poorly, you got this.

Sam TylerSam Tyler Alum Member
edited November 2018 in General 454 karma

I freaked out during the September test, specifically during RC where i got -13 and scored around 10 points below my PT average. I was worried I would never be able to do this test. I stayed clam this time and answered every single question to the best of my ability, and now i feel like this huge weight has been lifted off my back. I may have missed a few here and there, but i am confident there were no disasters. It's been a grueling 6 months of studying for this test, I'm so happy i got through and am actually looking forward to seeing my score.

I want to encourage anyone who did badly yesterday to not give up. You are fully able to get this test. Yesterday, at the end of the writing sample, someone next to me put down her pencil and I could see the tears starting to form around her eyes, it obviously didn't go well and i remember exactly what that felt like. The writing sample feels like half an hour of torture, and all you want to do is open up your test book and try again, or leave, anything but write about soybeans or telescopes. I wanted to encourage her, because i was there before, and my experience goes to show that there is light at the end of the tunnel, and i firmly believe that's true for anyone who puts the work in.

I had so many bad tests and discouraging moments studying for LG and then RC, feeling like i couldn't even write down the rules of a game or understand the main point of an easy passage, but i just kept studying and doing blind reviews over and over again, and things finally started to click. I did about 95% of the available questions, leaving only a few preptests between 1-7 untouched, that's what it took for me to have a good day. Thanks you to everyone in this community for sharing there difficult moments, they helped me find the motivation when i felt there wasn't much left. For everyone that knows yesterday wasn't there last LSAT, keep putting the work in, you got this.


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