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Writing out explanations

vxsinha96vxsinha96 Member
in General 58 karma

How do people write out explanations for questions and do you use this method for RC, LR and LG?


  • EAnn8771EAnn8771 Alum Member
    edited November 2018 126 karma


    For LR in BR I do things differently than what my friends do. I have friends who write/type out their explanations. While I find this helpful in general, for me I found my preference. I have the PT 62-71 bundle from LSAC so I type up the question and AC I marked for BR into a word document then convert it to a PDF. I then put it into EverNote or Notability and do a screen/audio recording of me going through and annotating the problem, kind of like what JY does. I find actually talking through a problem instead of writing it down helps me because I am catching all my thoughts into a audio recording as opposed to me writing them down and miss key thoughts in the process. The next time I drill that problem set I have various videos I can go through and identify the weaknesses that I have.

  • vxsinha96vxsinha96 Member
    edited November 2018 58 karma

    @Emily8771 ohh I see! That's makes a lot of sense, I may try that and see how it works! Thank you for the suggestion :)

  • Patz4lifePatz4life Alum Member
    214 karma

    For LR and RC I like to go through each AC and explain why it is right or wrong. I find putting it on "paper" makes it much more clear and sticks in my head

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