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Discussing mental health in USC addendum?

So #10 on the USC Gould app says to explain the variance in multiple LSAT scores or whether or not you feel your scores shack up to your full potential. I am thinking about discussing how my test day anxiety led me to underperform on test day. And how I went to see a psychiatrist for this anxiety so I could take care of it for test day -- but obviously it wasn't to much avail if I scored a few points below my full potential on the real thing. Note: I don't get testing accommodations and never have. But I've had problems with anxiety since I was a kid.

Basically, my question is, do ya'll think it's taboo to write about my anxiety and the medical help I sought during the time I was studying/taking the LSAT (hopefully it shows my effort to remedy what was causing me to underperform)?

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