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List study abroad institution's name in "Education"?

RiseandGrindRiseandGrind Alum Member
in General 219 karma

Is it necessary/advised to list your study abroad school's name under "Education" in law schools' LSAC application, even though I didn't receive a separate transcript? The 4 month study abroad program was offered by my school and so the grades were converted from the institution's scale to my school's grading scale.


  • Selene SteelmanSelene Steelman Free Trial Member Admissions Consultant
    2037 karma

    It is not necessary to list study abroad under Education, but to include the school as a bullet point would be a quick and easy way to show the admissions reader that you did something exciting and different as a student. It doesn't matter if you don't have a separate transcript from the study abroad program. If you took courses and received credits that were applied towards your degree, then they will see it in your LSAC CAS report.

    Good luck,

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