Metric: We put a positive weight on the helpfulness of comments. We determine this subjectively. We're also putting a negative weight on past awards. We've included people who comment under the lessons within the course.
Metric: We put a positive weight on the helpfulness of comments. We determine this subjectively. We're also putting a negative weight on past awards. We've included people who comment under the lessons within the course.
Metric: We put a positive weight on the helpfulness of comments. We determine this subjectively. We're also putting a negative weight on past awards. We've included people who comment under the lessons within the course.
Metric: We put a positive weight on the helpfulness of comments. We determine this subjectively. We're also putting a negative weight on past awards. We've included people who comment under the lessons within the course.
Hey thanks!
7sage rocks thank you!
@studentservice THANK YOU SO MUCH! I cannot believe this! WOW! Thank you!
I love 7sage!
Thanks for the shoutout:D
Thanks 7sage! Glad to be back on the boards contributing!!
April Chatterbox awards time!
Metric: We put a positive weight on the helpfulness of comments. We determine this subjectively. We're also putting a negative weight on past awards. We've included people who comment under the lessons within the course.
Gold - $100 giftcard
@"Leah M B"
Silver - $50 giftcard
@"Heart Shaped Box"
Bronze - $25 giftcard
@"Andrew E"
@"Lucas Carter"
@"Logic Gainz"
Shout out!
Thank you so much! I appreciate this so much, 7sage!
Thanks 7sage! My Amazon (and bank) account are forever grateful!
Y'all are too kind
Thank you 7sage, I am grateful for the work you do.
Thank you! 7sage
Woot woot thank you everyone for making this such a helpful and fun forum!
I never knew posting on an internet forum would ever get me anywhere!!
This has been fun!
Thanks 7sage!
Thanks for the shoutout!
Thank you 7sage
Thanks 7Sage!!☺️
You guys are THE BEST.
Thank you!!
I literally just posted this exact comment on another post, but "Yet again, I am reminded how blessed I am to be apart of such a wholesome community"
May Chatterbox awards time!
Metric: We put a positive weight on the helpfulness of comments. We determine this subjectively. We're also putting a negative weight on past awards. We've included people who comment under the lessons within the course.
Gold - $100 giftcard
@"Heart Shaped Box"
Silver - $50 giftcard
@"Leah M B"
@"Pride Only Hurts"
Bronze - $25 giftcard
@"Mage of Reason"
@"Lucas Carter"
Shout out!
Thanks 7sage
What an awesome surprise! Thanks 7Sage!
Best community ever, thank you 7sage!
Thank you 7sage!!

What?! I didn't even know this was a thing. Thanks for the shoutout
Thank you 7sage! I wouldn’t want to be anywhere else, this is the best community in the world.
Thank you so much 7sage for the shout out!
Thanks 7sage!!
Aww, thanks for the shoutout!
June Chatterbox awards time!
Metric: We put a positive weight on the helpfulness of comments. We determine this subjectively. We're also putting a negative weight on past awards. We've included people who comment under the lessons within the course.
Gold - $100 giftcard
@"Habeas Porpoise"
Silver - $50 giftcard
@"Lucas Carter"
@"Mage of Reason"
Bronze - $25 giftcard
@"Heart Shaped Box"
@"Pride Only Hurts"
@"Cant Get Right"
Shout out!
@"Super Saiyan"
Not sure if this means I post too much, or not enough...
Nice! Thanks 7Sage!!!
Ahh sweet! Always a wonderful surprise
thank you!
Thanks 7Sage!!
Thank you!!
Aww yeah!
Thank you
Thank you 7sage!
Thank you 7sage!!
Thanks for the shout out!
July Chatterbox awards time!
Metric: We put a positive weight on the helpfulness of comments. We determine this subjectively. We're also putting a negative weight on past awards. We've included people who comment under the lessons within the course.
Gold - $100 giftcard
Silver - $50 giftcard
@"Pride Only Hurts"
@"Cant Get Right"
@"Lucas Carter"
Bronze - $25 giftcard
@"Habeas Porpoise"
Shout out!
@"Heart Shaped Box"
Thanks 7Sage! Cannot say enough about how amazing this community is!
Love it! Thank you!!!
Thank you so much!
Oh hey! Thanks 😊😊
Thank you!!
Thanks 7sage!!
Thank you thank you!!!!
lucky to be part of this amazing community.