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3 Month Study Plan

PawsitivityPawsitivity Free Trial Member
edited April 2019 in General 43 karma

Hi everyone, first time posting - thanks for reading. I’m looking for some advice and suggestions on the upcoming exams & my study plans.

I have gone through the Manhattan Prep course and taken the LSAT twice (Dec '17/Sept '18 with same exact score). I feel that I understand the fundamentals and am familiar with question types/traps/tricks, but nevertheless keep losing points. I want to take the March 2019 LSAT (to apply in the fall), but I am not sure whether I can break into 170s. After my MP CC (around 3 months) I burned out and postponed my exam. After recovery, later on I only studied (reread CC & reviewed PTs) and took PTs regularly about 1 month to 1 1/2 months before the exams because of interruptions in my life. My sole improvement from the Dec to Sept exam was my timing (something I still need to keep working on).

After going through the discussions and listening to the podcasts, I've decided to take two PTs per week, BR (which I hadn't done correctly or consistently previously), and drill (including fool-proof LG method). I plan to study around 43 hours a week.
I am semi-consider taking the June exam, except I have a sibling graduation (out of state) the weekend of May 31st, and I fear burning out, slacking off, or losing sanity from stress studying for those months leading up.
Any help, suggestions, or tips would be greatly appreciated! Thank you


  • 71 karma

    I would take a look at your timeline. If your goal is to move from 158-170 you can not really place a rigid timeline on it especially March 2019. That is a very steep hill to climb. Im sure it can be done but burnout is real. June/July is a good target and you can always adjust as your get closer based on PT scores and if you need to push it back to Sept or later you can as well. The test date you chose is going to be based on where you are hitting at on PT scores. If you are getting above or around 170 by June/July on PTS maybe take the shot at that test. If not push it until September or until you are hitting your target score.

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