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Did you read the trainer? Help with some applications

ShrilarauneShrilaraune Alum Member
in General 169 karma

Hey there!
So, thanks to our wonderful community, I read the trainer and it has definitely helped! Here's my question: The trainer wants us to find the flaw in all the "subjective" questions (the ones we need to evaluate). But I'm still a little unclear on what it wants us to do after we've found the flaw for some of the question types.

For example, I've realized that for strength questions, what I want to do is find the flaw, and then look for the answer that makes that flaw less likely to be problematic. So if the flaw says that this one factor is a determining factor in whether or not the conclusion obtains, then I need to find the answer that makes that more likely.

But I figured that out after a lot of trial and error. And I'm not clear on what, for example, I need to do with a necessary assumption question once I see the flaw.

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