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NYT Mag Cover Story by 7Sage Consultant Ben Mauk

David BusisDavid Busis Member Moderator
in General 7331 karma

Ben Mauk wrote an incredible cover story for the New York Times Magazine about a small town in Eurasian steppe that China wants to turn into a hub of the global economy. Really the article is about the BRI—China's trillion-dollar bid to build a new Silk Road—and the cost of connecting the world. It touches on everything from the history of Central Asia to the detention camps in Xinjaing. I've never read anything that does such a good job of helping me visualize and concretize the notion of globalization.

Oh, also, there's an athlete who plays a horseback sport where you fight over a headless goat carcass and a man who sharpens a sickle next to Ben's head.


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