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Looking for Study Buddy in NYC

Did I StutterDid I Stutter Member
in Study Groups 384 karma

Looking to find a study/accountability buddy! I live in NYC and spend most of my day studying so I'm always available for all things LSAT related. Contact me if interested!


  • 2ndTimestheCharm2ndTimestheCharm Alum Member
    1810 karma

    Hey. You're welcome to join our study group in LIC. It's still pretty new, but it's usually about 4 of us...we've already met for BR on 86 and we're in the middle of 50. We try to meet every Saturday in the lounge in my building, but it ends up being whichever Saturday afternoons work for everyone. Message me if you want more details.

  • jimmyrivera201-1jimmyrivera201-1 Core Member
    547 karma

    I can join you. I currently live in the Bronx.

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