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LSAT Trainer

in General 246 karma

Can anyone provide some details about their experience with the LSAT Trainer by Mike Kim? I have read a few posts that have said it can actually compliment the CC very well. I am retaking in July and am trying to get from high 160s to low 170s. Do people think that redoing the CC with the trainer is a good idea?


  • aleland13aleland13 Alum Member
    edited February 2019 158 karma

    I love the trainer and highly recommend it. I started studying in late Sept only with the trainer and I improved to the high 160’s (167ish average, highest was a 169) and signed up for 7sage in January to fill in the gaps I felt I had keeping me from a 170. That combination worked for me, and I just finished PT 72 with a 172. Areas where I think the trainer is super useful are mainly LR and RC. I stick to foolproofing for LGs but I liked the timing strategies, notations, and emphasis on proper game board setup the trainer puts on LG. I also LOVE the free study schedules on the trainer website, it definitely helped me get my sh*t together when trying to figure out how I was going to study for this test.

    And if you want to get a feel for the trainer before buying it, there’s a couple of free chapters on his website:

  • _let1295__let1295_ Core Member
    61 karma

    I agree with everything aleland13 said. I also started with the trainer in September and really liked what it had to offer for LR and RC. I'm only 20% done with 7sage's CC but I'm already seeing similarities between LR approaches. It always hear things in a slightly different way, which is what happened to me. There are things on 7sage that I come across now that I might have only partially understood in the trainer but fully understand now.

  • CurlyQQQCurlyQQQ Alum Member
    295 karma

    I couldn't agree more with the above sentiments. I initially started with 7sage but I needed a different less methodical way of explaining. I'm not great with memorizing and recalling certain key words JY tells us to pay attention to and the Trainer helped me see the bigger picture in terms of how I should be approaching a question. It helped provide a holistic overview. I can't thank it enough. Coming back to 7Sage, it has really helped me focus in on what JY has been saying all along.

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