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Reading Comprehension!

harrismeganharrismegan Member
edited December 2014 in General 2074 karma
So. I'm pretty sure I might be re-taking. Not sure yet. At all. I guess we shall see come January 5.

However, someone posted their Reading Comprehension Method and I remember reading it, but I can't remember where it is now.

They posted something like... they don't make note of details, just... Authors Position, Opponents Position, ect.
I'm wondering if anyone who has a solid RC method would post it here! I think I'm going to start prepping for the June LSAT now, and RC was my weakness.

:) so please! Share your methods!!


  • LSATislandLSATisland Free Trial Inactive Sage
    1878 karma
    It's a great idea to try different methods in RC, but bear in mind that you should settle only for what works for you. If someone swears by a certain technique, experiment with it, but don't adopt it unless it works for you. Good luck
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