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How should I negotiate for more money

lsat_kp20lsat_kp20 Alum Member
edited March 2019 in Law School Admissions 148 karma

I am trying to figure how I should go about negotiating for more money at the school I would like to attend. They gave me $72,000 total which is about 55% of their tuition. I am getting 75% at another school. How do I ask for 75% of the tuition?

I would appreciate it if maybe people can share how they negotiated? Copy paste their letter if they don’t mind.

Thank you so much!!!


  • MissChanandlerMissChanandler Alum Member Sage
    3256 karma

    Is the school that gave you 75% a similarly ranked school? That would definitely help

  • Selene SteelmanSelene Steelman Free Trial Member Admissions Consultant
    2037 karma

    Congratulations on your offers of admission and awards! If you want to ask your target school to increase your original award, you should first research their website to see if there is public information out there about scholarship reevaluation procedures. Some schools may post it on their website, and you don't want to appear uninformed or unprepared. If this information is not available online, you should call the admissions office, say you are an admitted student and ask to speak with an admissions officer. Say you have questions about the school's scholarship reevaluation process. If you would like to request a reevaluation of your current award, how should you proceed? You should take this time to engage with the AO, explain your situation and reiterate your strong interest in attending the target school. Most likely you will be asked to submit your request in writing with your competing offers attached. Sometimes schools will have an online form. Other schools may just ask you to email the AO or a specific person within admissions with this information. Don't expect a final answer over the phone; the reevaluation process usually takes time. If you have time constraints or deposit deadlines, you should let them know about this as well. At all times try to be as polite and professional as possible. An AO is more likely to want to help someone who is upbeat, friendly, and likable. Good luck!

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