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150 “Cold” Diagnostic, 170+ Acheivable?

hewing1hewing1 Member
in General 10 karma

Hello, I just took the June 2007 prep test and received a 150. I took this “cold” except for the few introductory parts of the course. I was wondering if you think a 170 + would be achievable in time for an October 2019 LSAT. And how many hours a week would be recommended for studying.

My scores were as follows:
Logic Games: 7/23
Logical Reasoning: 35/50
Reading Comp: 18/27

Thank you all so much for your help!


  • MaitotoxinMaitotoxin Alum Member
    edited March 2019 31 karma

    Your LG score can easily be made to perfection in that time frame. Consider studying everyday for at least 30 minutes instead of hours/week. More distributed practice will have a greater impact on your learning.

  • almostthere17almostthere17 Live Member
    84 karma

    Totally manageable if you dedicate the time to it. It is pretty easy to pick up logic games just keep on practicing. I'd dedicate the majority of your time to crushing LR. Believe in the blind review method!

  • LSATTrevLSATTrev Member
    68 karma

    You got it! I was in a similar boat with LG when I started. Only missed 3 on my last PT. Got 166 and 165 on my previous two tests and I'm trying to push it up to 170

  • Patz4lifePatz4life Alum Member
    214 karma

    I started off at a 153 and have been averaging about a 170 after 8 months of studying! Just takes time. I did about 2 hours a day on weekdays

  • PrincessPrincess Alum Member
    821 karma

    Hey! You should be able to increase your score for sure. I went from 143ish to 164ish, but aiming for 170+. Be sure you foolproof the games constantly and practice LR. Find your weak areas and drill those question types after the course.

  • MissChanandlerMissChanandler Alum Member Sage
    3256 karma

    I think you can get a 170+, but it might take longer than six months. For some people, a twenty point jump could take a year or more of studying. It's also completely possible for you to do it in six months, just know that it is a really difficult thing to do and if you aren't hitting your goal by October, you'll have to decide if you want to delay or take and get a lower score.

  • Manik PanicManik Panic Core Member
    edited June 2019 111 karma

    I didn't do a cold diagnostic. But i did later. And it went well. HOWEVER, while in the last 14d (83.3% of core done in that time, will do again later for memory), LR and RC went up very well.

    And will continue to with other tools that I am using. (maybe drills later, but I'd like to finish up the core, and prep tests I have available in Ultimate and purchased ones elsewhere (so 45)).

    LG one half is very hard, one half doable but can improve.

    it's just that LG has improved a lot in terms of understanding. But surely can bring score down a lot... maybe 163-170. BUT say, I get 2-3 brutal games in a row... then... I'll be very very screwed. that's not the right word. I think that reading comp will be good at times, but will definitely keep reading some Kafka, Dostoyvesky, The Economist, etc.

    LG, on the other hand..

    I just know with me, some crash tutoring can be very useful.

    Sticking to 1-2 ways of solving questions is probably the best.

    I have ADHD, and for sure this made mathematical/working memory classes way harder than they should have been.

    --Once done the course, and a bit of a different course in my strongest section (LR).
    -and then shoring up a decent section (RC). I will focus on games and preptests, more casually.
    --after work and my own work (basically trading/writing).

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