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How to sell myself? In a personal statement ;)

MarkmarkMarkmark Alum Member

I hope the title wasn't too misleading. I was listening to Daniel's video on being able to sell yourself in a personal statement and I'd like to hear some advice. I have been historically horrible at underselling my accomplishments. How do people identify what is impressive in their own life? How do you sell this without coming off as arrogant? As an aside, I dreamed I only had a -1 on the LSAT, in my dream I broke down in tears of joy. What a life. Thanks in advance


  • MissChanandlerMissChanandler Alum Member Sage
    3256 karma

    One of my professors put it in a way I really liked: your goal in the personal statement is to make yourself sound like the kind of person that the reader would want to get lunch with. Meaning, you should be interesting. It's not necessarily about making yourself seem impressive. You want to seem professional, well written, and thoughtful. Your accomplishments should come through on your resume. The personal statement is your chance to tell them something about you that isn't conveyed through the rest of your application. Instead of trying to think about what you've done that's impressive, think about things you've done that are interesting and impacted you in some way

  • MarkmarkMarkmark Alum Member
    976 karma

    That's a really thoughtful and insightful comment. Thank you!!

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