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LSAT AR Lingo 2

alyssa.hunt86alyssa.hunt86 Free Trial Member
edited March 2019 in Logic Games 47 karma

In substitution questions, the part that says "would have the same effect in determining the order..." means what? I am having a hard time putting it into my own words? From my understanding, given the explanations for the questions in that the substitutions can not knock and old rule out of the new world nor can it sneak new rules into the old world? So, "have the same effect.." means that the "world" itself goes unchanged?

Kind of like when a business goes under new management. The only thing that changes is the person in the management position, the business itself stays the same because the policies, guidelines, procedures, etc. (aka the rules) are still the same. The new manager still has to follow the rules of the business. The new manager can not change any of the rules by getting rid of old ones or creating new ones because changing the rules will change the business and that's not what the new manager was hired for. The new manager was hired to follow the rules and uphold the business, not change it.

This is my understanding. Can anyone comprehend this explanation of the theory of substitution on the LSAT?

Please feel free to share your understandings of substitution as well!

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