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alyssa.hunt86alyssa.hunt86 Free Trial Member
in Logic Games 47 karma

What does "fully determined" actually mean on the AR section in games? My understanding, from watching the explanation for game 4 in PT 64, question 20, is that "fully determined" means that there are no other possibilities for any of the pieces to go. Is this accurate?


  • LivinLaVidaLSATLivinLaVidaLSAT Alum Member
    705 karma

    Yes. There will be only 1 possible arrangement for the elements. The arrangement will be fully determined. This means you will know with 100% certainty where each element goes.

  • alyssa.hunt86alyssa.hunt86 Free Trial Member
    47 karma

    Awesome! thank you for your response. I really appreciate it!

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