Stress relief hang NYC ~ Fri. 5/10!

2ndTimestheCharm2ndTimestheCharm Alum Member
edited May 2019 in General 1810 karma

Hey, friends. This is happening. For real. A few of us are getting together (for coffee, booze, snacks or chocolate) to commiserate and/or talk about study strategies, pitfalls, etc. I bet I'm not the only one frustrated with this process. I've definitely shown improvement, but then as soon as I think it's smooth sailing in one section or another, I have a bad section and my confidence is shot down. I love that we support each other on here, but maybe it would help to get together in person to talk about it. My family and friends are, of course, supporting me, but it's different because they don't understand the nuances of the beastly challenge we are facing. Anyway, if anyone wants to do this, please message me privately. We have a reservation for 6 people at Max Brenner in Union Square for Fri. 5/10 ~ 7:15p.m. And let's all be strong, do our best to smile and keep learning. At least we're learning from the best with 7Sage :)


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