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Listing Other Schools You are Applying To

Soula4444Soula4444 Alum Member

In one of the current applications I am working on, they want me to list the other schools I have applied to or intending to apply to. What is the best way to reply to this without hurting my chances? I do plan to apply to a few other schools regionally and they are not as high in ranking as the one I am currently filling out the application for... Thanks in advance.


  • Selene SteelmanSelene Steelman Free Trial Member Admissions Consultant
    2037 karma

    Schools can interpret this information differently, depending on who is reading your file and the time of year the file is reviewed. I wouldn't worry that your answer here will help or hurt you during the admissions review process. If your numbers are in the range and your file is compelling, the committee will make a decision based on those factors. If you are focusing your applications in a certain geographic area, the AO might interpret that you are serious about staying local and see that as a positive factor in their review.

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