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Any advice on how to proceed?

vxsinha96vxsinha96 Member
edited April 2019 in General 58 karma

I know I've reached out to a few of you over the last few months as I've been struggling in my prep (thank you to those of you who replied with great advice), but I seem to have hit a wall and could use any advice I can get. Sorry in advance, it's a bit of a long post!

I started my LSAT journey in Feb 2017, where I took a diagnostic test a scored a 140. Over the next 10 months I used Powerscore but I didn't really see any improvements and joined the 7Sage community in March 2018. I've been studying full-time since November 2018
- I spent around 4 months completing the CC and doing the practice drill sets.
- From there I took about 4 tests and began to identify my weakness, so I went back and drilled those LR question types while typing out explanations for why I got questions wrong.
- I then moved on to fool proofing LG (1-50) and began to practice my low/high res summaries for RC with a mix of timed and untimed drills (35-60).
- I continued drilling weak areas, recorded myself taking tests and sections, listened to all the 7Sage podcasts and webinars, started to be more active on the forums and answer people's questions, pretty much anyway to get my score up
- I even changed my diet and exercise and incorporated the meditation into it and took breaks to avoid burnout
- In between all this, I took about 9 tests more and my average was sa 158 and my BR was a 168. My section breakdown for the test is usually LG -2, LR - 7, RC -11 and my BR breakdown is LG -0, LR - 5 and RC - 8.
- I took my first test this past March as a litmus test and scored a158 (as expected).

Since then, I took about 3 days off and started again, doing retakes and practice tests and drilling sections. I identified my weak areas as being in LR where I needed to really engage with the stimulus and and in RC where I had to make sure I was taking in what was being said (Because in untimed practice I was fine, it was in a timed situation where nothing I was reading seemed to be retaining) and I did drills and figured out strategies to improve. I also read Ellen Cassidy's book and the LSAT trainer because I know these target weak areas such as mine. I'm hesitant to take any more PT's because I don't just want to burn through them.

I've done my best to focus on the learning and inculcating good habits, rather than chasing the score, but I am still stuck on a 158 and my BR is still a168. My aim is to get to a 170+ and I am registered for the June and July exam. I have already put over a year's solid work into this and I don't want to just give up because I know people score 170+ all the time. I know my diagnostic is much lower that the average (that I have seen) and I've realized I take much longer than most people to understand things - but I don't think of myself as dumb or anything, I just have not been able to get my learning to where it needs to be to get my dream score.

Clearly I'm doing something wrong, I'm just not sure what. Any advice on how to proceed would be greatly appreciated :)

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