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Do you have advice on the best way to complete the Problem Sets?

ZCimringZCimring Alum Member

Hi All. I am curious to know some techniques or strategies on how people have been studying. Are you doing ALL the problem sets directly after the lessons? For example for MSS questions, are you doing all the problem sets in a row? Saving some for later days? What have you found helpful in regards to this? I hear from people the best way to get better is to continue to do problems; However, my worry is that by the time I get to the Logic Games or reading comprehension, I would have already completed all the problem sets for the logical reasoning. Looking forward to hearing your thoughts. Thank you.


  • AlexAlex Alum Member
    23929 karma

    When I was going through the CC, I did the problem sets until I felt like I had a good understanding of the q type. For some, that meant doing only a few of them. For others it meant doing them all. I rarely did them all right after the lesson though. I’d do maybe 4-5 of them and then return as needed.

    Don’t worry about doing too many problem sets haha. You have Ult + which gives you access to thousands of questions in the question bank you can drill. Plus there are drill packs that you can do as well. There will always be more questions!

    Good luck!

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