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Mark for Blind Review Button

GermanLSATtakerGermanLSATtaker Alum Member
edited May 2019 in Technical Problems 148 karma


Is there a way to open up all the Blind Review fields with only 1 button press? Currently, I am individually clicking on the 100 question numbers before I can enter the Blind Review score.


  • Alan Cheuk-2Alan Cheuk-2 Administrator
    edited May 2019 3128 karma

    Sorry no way to do it in bulk. But you can use the ~ key (top left of keyboard) as a shortcut to BR a question.

    To open BR for all in a faster than normal way, you can try:

    Press the down arrow key until the last question is highlighted. Then rapidly alternately press “~” and “up arrow” until all the BR are open. I know that’s not quite what you wanted but I hope it makes it a little faster for you!

  • GermanLSATtakerGermanLSATtaker Alum Member
    148 karma

    Thank you so much!

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