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Taking First PT

umich101umich101 Alum Member
in General 364 karma

Apologies if this has been posted before but:

Should we be finding a PT to take before we start any of the lessons as a base? Haven't started any LSAT prep yet and just purchased my package.


  • This_is_HardThis_is_Hard Alum Member
    edited May 2019 815 karma

    You can take the 2007 June LSAT, its free from LSAC. You can google "2007 June LSAT" and it should be the first link.

    Up to you if you would like to do it. There are more positives than negatives. The only negative I can think of would be that it could damage your ego/motivation if you get a really bad score.

  • umich101umich101 Alum Member
    364 karma

    Thanks for getting back to me! Just wasn't sure if we were supposed to as part of the curriculum

  • fycw2068fycw2068 Alum Member
    404 karma

    I purchased 7sage a while after I started LSAT prep so I took the June 2007 totally blind without having any LSAT knowledge. I don't think in the grand scheme of things it matters, but I liked taking it like that because I used it as a benchmark after going through the CC and obviously I improved.... and while it was obvious I would improve, it still made me feel great and was good for my mental health lol

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