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Problems with Grouping

ariinchargeariincharge Alum Member
edited July 2019 in Logic Games 83 karma

Hi guys, I am still having some trouble with grouping games. I am pretty good at inferences (diminishing number of worlds and not both/or) and can complete most grouping games but for some I am literally stumped and cannot make it past the acceptable situation questions. For example, ive had trouble with: June 1993 Game 4; june 1992 game 2; Decembr 1991 game 4.

Also I had a lot of trouble October 1991 game 4 (I believe this is in/out sequencing).

Is it possible im having trouble with these games because they are fairly old? Any tips on how to improve on these other than fool proofing? I find for these tough games fool proofing will work but when I run into another hard grouping game I still cant do it.

Any insight is much appreciated!



  • AudaciousRedAudaciousRed Alum Member
    edited July 2019 2689 karma

    Yes, Oct 1991 game 4 is primarily an in-out, but with categories.
    Can you give us an example of a specific question that stops you? In the case of Oct 1991, just the number will do.

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