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Kept my score.. Mistake?

grantgrant Member
in General 18 karma

Good Morning! I will be taking the September LSAT, but decided to write July to get some "real-time" experience and a score on the books if worse comes to worst (I will be out of the country from October through April 2020, so September is my only option if I want to enroll next fall.)

Anyways, I began studying in late May with a diag of 152. When July came around I was less than 50% through the curriculum. However I still took the test due to the cancellation option. Just got my score of a 158 back. Progress, about what I expected, but not where I want to be come September (shooting for a 165-168).

On the bright side I am PT'ing around 163 while missing -8 on LG (just need to improve my speed, as I rarely make it to the final game).

I told myself I would keep anything above a 157 in July, which I did. With a a full month left to prep and drill LG, I am hopeful a 165-168 is doable next month.

Was keeping my score a mistake? Slightly freaking out.


  • drbrown2drbrown2 Alum Member
    2227 karma

    Nope you’re good. Just do games non stop and mix in some LR/RC before the next test and you should be putting yourself in position for a nice score jump.

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