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Looking for remote study buddy/accountability partner.

kjsmith914kjsmith914 Alum Member
in Study Groups 226 karma

Hi all. To my dismay, I scored 4 points lower than my PT average in July. It is extremely helpful to me not only to blind review with folks, but to explain out loud why answer choices are wrong or right (learning by teaching, if you will).

Looking for someone who is scoring in the mid to high 160s and who specifically wants to focus on RC/LR. If anyone is open to partnering, I would love to be your study buddy! I study every night and am in Denver (mountain time). Please feel free to message me if you are interested!


  • chisal17chisal17 Alum Member
    289 karma

    Sending you a DM!

  • DuhorangedangDuhorangedang Alum Member
    47 karma

    H-hi...... still need a p-partner.

  • 246 karma

    Are you still in need of an accountability partner? I am in SLC, so our time zones match up well.

  • thatgtdude89thatgtdude89 Core Member
    90 karma

    How did you score on the July LSAT if you don't mind me asking? I'm studying for the November LSAT currently.

  • CharlieHuCharlieHu Alum Member
    129 karma

    Hi, have you found anyone who you could study with? I was thinking that we should have an online study group. We can do skype chatting or something. I scored high 160s for July and aiming for 170+ for September. I'm also signed up for October just to be safe.

  • daphne06-1-1daphne06-1-1 Alum Member
    50 karma

    Hi! I am taking the September Lsat and looking to focus on RC and LR as well. Im currently averaging around 166-168 but I want to see more consistent results and break 170. Im in NY but currently have a very flexible schedule so timing should work! @CharlieHu i think a online study group could be super helpful and I'd definitely love to participate!

  • HelloMotoHelloMoto Member
    400 karma

    I am also interested!

  • friendlyroomyfriendlyroomy Alum Member
    90 karma

    Can I join as well?

  • vichinskyvichinsky Live Member
    519 karma

    I am interested as well.

  • kjsmith914kjsmith914 Alum Member
    226 karma

    hi guys! this post blew up lol! I already have a few study partners, but if y'all are interested in setting up maybe a blind review of PT 86 sometime this week, let me know and I can coordinate.

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