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Staying Motivated?

chisal17chisal17 Alum Member
in General 289 karma

How do you keep yourself motivated when you are tired? I am doing LSAT study part time and gunning for one of the fall administration exams this year (probably november or october if the burn out doesn't get me first). Sometimes I just keep getting everything wrong, other days I'll get everything right. It's hard to be okay with the bad days when you've had a few good ones.

If you're someone who is motivated or is well-adjusted: what keeps you going? What motivates, encourages or pushes you? How do you find ways to cope? Or, if you're in the same boat as I am: how have you been trying to adjust to these struggles?

I'm having a very "off" day -- I'm getting everything wrong, even though I know I can get it right. I'm struggling to accept that I'm going to have bad days and good days. I understand the logic of it all -- I know that the learning process isn't necessarily linear and that I'm going to have to expect the occasional set-backs, etc. but are there any mental/emotional/physical/etc techniques (for ex: meditation, etc) that you guys do that work for you when, and if, you find yourself feeling this way? I'm looking for camaraderie and also looking to learn from what you all have to share about your experiences.


  • cooljon525-1-1cooljon525-1-1 Alum Member
    917 karma

    I just dedicated a specific time period everyday where I do LSAT. I think the key is to make it your routine. Kinda like going to the gym where you don't question yourself and you just go, do your workout, and come back home. The problem happens when I get out of that routine for a bit. When I came back from vacation, it was extremely hard to get myself to study LSAT. I was thinking about every excuse in the world to not have to study anymore.

    Also I think setting a date of when you think you will be done with lsat will help. I used to be like "i'm going to study as long as it takes, until I do well". So I would not really study that much because I felt like I had all the time in the world and could not imagine a day where I would finally be done with lsat. I planned out my testing dates and came up with a month where I HAVE to be finished with the LSAT. What that does is it assures me that one day this test will be over and that its up to me to put in the work and succeed or screw around and fail.

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