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NA Questions

soha_ahmed25soha_ahmed25 Free Trial Member

Is it true that the right answer choice needs to address both the premise and conclusion. I was told this by my previous instructor and ive been really struggling with these NA questions. im trying to negate but still doesnt work. Im always down to 2 ans choices and pick the wrong one.


  • EveryCookCanGovernEveryCookCanGovern Alum Member
    401 karma

    Depends. NAs are either connectors or defenders. For the former yes, you need to consider the whole argument, premises and conclusion, to find the gap. The latter not necessarily. A defender NA could be anything, and need not consider all the premises, it just needs to present a situation which must be true if the conclusion is to be true. This situation could focus on something in the premises or the conclusion or both. In all cases an NA is something which must be true if the conclusion is true.

  • soha_ahmed25soha_ahmed25 Free Trial Member
    32 karma

    @LSATscrub thanks!

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