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LSAT Addendum for score increase

jessicalauren216jessicalauren216 Free Trial Member

My LSAT increased 7 points the second time I took the exam and 6 points the third time I took the test -- in terms of an addendum, if I were to write one, would I treat the increase as a 13 point increase, or would I write about them individually?

Thank you!


  • Omid Sean HVOmid Sean HV Alum Member
    25 karma

    Basically say that you were scoring higher in practice and felt like your official scores up until your latest were not representative of your abilities.

  • zacharytsmith26-1zacharytsmith26-1 Alum Member
    849 karma

    I am not sure you should write one at all, let the score increase speak for itself.

  • drbrown2drbrown2 Alum Member
    2227 karma

    Duke’s app instructions strongly suggest writing this sort of addendum if there is a 4+ point difference. I wouldn’t write one unless you come across an app that talks about score changes and explaining low scores. Most applicants score +— 2 points on retakes, but if something changed in your practice or you spent more time getting ready for the test or something bad happened during one sitting that would be the focus of the addendum.

  • Selene SteelmanSelene Steelman Free Trial Member Admissions Consultant
    2037 karma

    Admissions readers would expect to see an explanation for a 13 point increase in overall score. You will want to explain why the highest score best reflects your potential to perform in law school. Did you have time to improve upon your test prep? Were there unusual or unique circumstances during test 1 or 2 that prevented you from performing to your fullest potential? Did outside factors like family or professional obligations prevent you from focusing on your test prep?

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