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Need a Tablet for Practice. Are Most Tablets the Same?

lordofsquirrelslordofsquirrels Alum Member
in General 27 karma

Decided that I should get a tablet to start practicing and PTing since paper exams are long gone.

My SO and I agreed to go half/half on a tablet since she will start doing more digital art stuff. I've read the Fire Tablet is as close as it gets without spending Microsoft Surface money. She has been using Wacom here and there and wants to get one, I don't care as long as I can practice, she can do her thing once I'm done and we don't spend hundreds of dollars. Y'all have experience with tablets that can do all those things?


  • JaytrongJaytrong Alum Member
    54 karma

    I cant speak for any other tablet, but in my opinion, the ipad works just fine with 7sage's digital testing. I saw slickdeals had some sales on it for like $250. The only thing is that highlighting on the ipad sucks... But then again, i have not tried highlighting with the apple pencil yet. It might be better. I think its important to note that people have been saying that you get a crappy stylus on the test and that highlighting on the actual test is also pretty hard. I, personally, see it as a challenge to help me get away from highlighting unless its absolutely necessary.

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