For 7Sage staff - could you please organize old PTs so it is easier to find / comment on Qs?

MarkmarkMarkmark Alum Member

The model of other websites (manhattanprep, lsathacks, powerscore) all organize PTs and discussion the same way. You have a list of all the PTs, then inside the PT a choice of LR/LG/RC, then a list of the questions. This organization is very conducive to both finding the discussion (a necessary condition to learn from/engage in discussion) on a question and providing helpful insights or questions of our own.

Even if access to PT questions, the videos and their explanations are for paying members only the organization can really use an overhaul. I see a lot of people posting individually, using no uniform nomenclature for easy searching, and a lot of those questions get 0 responses.

Thanks! Love 7Sage, argued with a buddy that he should stop his course and switch to 7S just yesterday.


  • VibrioVibrio Alum Member
    625 karma

    Are you referring to PT questions in the Discussion Forum or in the Syllabus? I am not quite sure which you are referring to.
    For PT questions in the Forum, there is a formatting guideline here.
    So you can use PT, Section and Question number in the search bar to find the discussion if there is one.

    Under individual explanation videos, users can use the (#help) in their questions to get help from other 7sagers. These tagged questions appear on this page.
    Sometimes the questions don't get a response because others may not have taken the PT and want to keep them fresh.

    You can use the Question Bank to access specific questions and their explanations quickly.

    Or are you looking for a different function?

  • MarkmarkMarkmark Alum Member
    976 karma

    Thanks for the response, I see the formatting standard now, that'll help me as I search for Q's.

    The problem set page is awesome, is there a way to allow all people to access the discussions under the video without paying? There is probably a way to limit access to the video explanations to paying users only.

    I still think a page like those on manhattanprep, powerscore, lsathacks would be better than the current situation here on 7Sage. The problem set page is hard to find and using a nomenclature many people don't know about could lead to mixed results. The formatting on those other websites makes it very easy to find the question I'm looking for and the explanations for the questions; here on 7Sage it's not as centralized and visible.

    I love 7Sage, it's the best, I've convinced a couple friends now to switch to 7Sage. Please consider these suggestions

  • Hi @Demarkee727!

    Thanks for these suggestions! I've passed them on to the tech team.

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