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Reapplying after admission

I was accepted last cycle to the school I want to go to, but it was the end of the cycle and I was only offered a tiny bit of scholarship money so I withdrew. I'm applying as a working professional to a part-time program. Does it make sense to reapply now at the beginning of the cycle to try to get awarded more money?

In an addendum, what should I say about why I withdrew last cycle?


  • Hopeful9812Hopeful9812 Member
    872 karma

    I think applying in the beginning of a cycle may be more helpful in terms of being considered for scholarships compared to the end of the cycle. As for the addendum, if there are additional factors that influenced your decision to withdraw this might be a good place to mention that. For example, maybe you wanted to work an extra year so you could gain additional skills that you know would be helpful for your law career. Or maybe there was some amazing opportunity that you really wanted to pursue and thus that was a factor in your decision to delay. Again, just some ideas.

  • SuperMario929SuperMario929 Alum Member
    464 karma

    I’ve done this and was re-accepted. Just explain the financial situation. Maybe say something like “after speaking to X in the admissions office and learning that it might be more affordable this year, I waited and am re-applying. I want to come to your school.” (Word it better than that but you get the idea).

  • AChris1210AChris1210 Alum Member
    107 karma

    @SuperMario929 said:
    I’ve done this and was re-accepted. Just explain the financial situation. Maybe say something like “after speaking to X in the admissions office and learning that it might be more affordable this year, I waited and am re-applying. I want to come to your school.” (Word it better than that but you get the idea).

    Thanks--this is helpful. Were you offered more money the second time?

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