Goal 160 - Advice

BostonsFinestBostonsFinest Alum Member
in General 8 karma

Hey all - i took the LSAT last January and scored a 148. obviously not happy and know i can do better. i have never used 7sage before but have done a lot of research and this seems like the platform to get me where i need to be. The school i plan on applying to has a deadline oof April 1st. was planning on taking the February LSAT this coming year.

I graduated last may and have been working full time in software sales at a start up company. Locked in 9-5 everyday but am not being watched and have the ability to maybe dedicate an hour or two from the 9-5 time slot to to studying.

Any advice, direction, etc. you can provide i would be very grateful of. Please don't hold back and be realistic.


  • BostonsFinestBostonsFinest Alum Member
    edited October 2019 8 karma

    Goal: 160+

  • BostonsFinestBostonsFinest Alum Member
    8 karma

    Also my GPA is a 3.4 (Finance) President of 5 different organization worked 40hr+ weeks during school. Self made.. put myself through college.. i can get into the school i want right now but will definitely not receive a full ride. I need a full ride as i do not want to take on any more debt.

  • ikbalsaktbahgerikbalsaktbahger Alum Member
    16 karma

    You need to familiarize yourself with the lsat question types and the types of traps the lsat test makers set. Only when you understand these two things could you truly improve your score.

    Some other tips.

    Blind method review.
    Redo games/questions you totally messed up on. Make your weaknesses into strengths.
    Try to make lsat enjoyable. Instead of dreading your score and thinking of your failure. See where the test takers tricked you and made you pick the wrong answers. It could be really fun when you change your approach.

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