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EllewoodzzzEllewoodzzz Member
edited September 2020 in General 49 karma



  • ChloefrazerChloefrazer Member
    110 karma

    What are your scores in each section?

  • EllewoodzzzEllewoodzzz Member
    edited September 2020 49 karma


  • GSU HopefulGSU Hopeful Core
    1644 karma

    First thing that stands out is the LG. Have you foolproofed all of the games like JY recommends? And, what do your BR scores look like?

  • Anonymouse-1Anonymouse-1 Alum Member
    189 karma

    What stands out to me is LR because there are 2 of them and its about a (-9 to -10) average. My recommendation would be to make sure you are understanding the complexities of each question type. What makes right answers right and wrong answers wrong? Once you feel you have a strong command of each question type... then DRILL! Drill the hell out of those questions and do isolated LR sections. This has to be polished because it 50% of the test!

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