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Study tips for 147-158?

deebaizaddeebaizad Free Trial Member
in General 34 karma

Hi everyone! I scored a 147 on the September test and am taking it again in November. Since then I’ve improved on LG a ton and RC a little. I’m looking to score between a 155-160 with 158 as my set goal. My last two practice tests were a 152, 158, but then a 145 today. I did a section a day during the week and got a 152. Not sure why my score is fluctuating so much but it’s really discouraging. Does anyone have any study advice?


  • drbrown2drbrown2 Alum Member
    edited October 2019 2227 karma

    You should expect your scores to fluctuate a lot until you're scoring closer to your BR score. If you aren't blind reviewing every section before checking scores, you need to start doing that to get a sense of what you understand and don't understand. There are extensive explanations on how to properly BR in the early 7sage podcast episodes. After BR you can address timing issues and individual question types and make improvements. Obviously once you foolproof LG your scores will go up and the variance will go down.

    Try to forget about your timed PT scores for now, and just focus on blind review scores. That will also help reduce any pressure you may feel to hit a certain timed score. Spend a week reviewing a test using the methods from the core curriculum before you score it. It takes a ton of time, but I guarantee it will help you improve. You should be labeling the premises and conclusion in LR, writing out explanations for why the correct answer is correct and why the incorrect answers are incorrect, doing Low Res/High Res summaries for each paragraph in RC, and trying to set up LG game boards in different ways to see which way leads to the most inferences. Finally, keep doing as much LG as you can every day to get that section down.

  • You're not alone. I feel the same way with my tests but I'm going to take a leap of faith and trust in the process that 7sage recommends. I'm getting a better sense of which questions I struggle with the most in LR. I see that my main problems are with not having a mastery of the fundamentals. I think the more I drill the fundamentals the easier things will get for me. Right now, I'm relying on a familiarity with the fundamentals rather than mastery, which makes my scores fluctuate as I get lucky with the questions.

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