Law School Application - Volunteering

I'm in the process of applying for law schools and where it says to list extracurricular & community activities I've listed the ones I participated in in undergrad. My question is - should I include volunteering from high school? I volunteered at the VA hospital & Boys & Girls Club neither of which are super applicable, but I was also a member of Peer Court, a nonprofit organization that helps provide restorative justice to troubled youth. I feel like the fact that I was a member of Peer Court might strengthen my application because it was kind of like court but with high school students. Will it be frowned upon if I include something from high school?



  • studyingandrestudyingstudyingandrestudying Core Member
    5254 karma

    Most often, they want to just see stuff from after high school. Exceptions would be things like a juvenile court issue, in which case that would be a C+F explanation. That said, you could mention some of these high school extracurriculars, provided they had an impact that would benefit a future law student, in your essays, but don't make them focal points, because it's things like experiences in a job, big life-changing experiences, and college or graduate courses that tend to be hoped for in essays.

  • Selene SteelmanSelene Steelman Free Trial Member Admissions Consultant
    2037 karma

    Admissions directors and deans have indicated that generally they do not want to see anything about high school in a law school application resume. However, if this sort of volunteer work is very important to you, you could list it under a section at the very end called INTERESTS, along with talents, hobbies, and non-academic or professional fun facts about yourself.

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