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Question for November LSAT Takers

lexxx745lexxx745 Alum Member Sage
in General 3190 karma

Curious if November LSAT takers are taking it to apply this year or next year? Always curious because if its next year wouldnt you have plenty of time to keep studying and taking the LSAT early spring? If this year, then of course its the right move


  • I am planning to apply and attend Fall 2020. I am applying to the law schools in Texas. I don't plan on plan practicing law outside of Texas.

  • katydsackskatydsacks Free Trial Member
    2 karma

    I'm taking it with the goal to attend Fall 2020. However, I booked the January exam just in case I don't do well here and want to try again for this application cycle. All that means is studying continues even after the November exam! Yay....

  • mnvallettemnvallette Core Member
    19 karma

    I'm also applying this cycle. I've decided no matter what my score is I'm submitting and going. I took a gap year for work with the intention of studying but ended up working wayyy more and studying was less than I wanted to. So I'm taking my score to whatever school will take me. They say it's not where you go but what with you do with it.

  • umich101umich101 Alum Member
    edited November 2019 364 karma

    Taking it to apply next fall! Will be my first time, not 100% where I want to be but have been studying for some time after graduation but funds are running low from focusing on studying and need to go get a full-time job lol. But plan on retaking if necessary sometime in the Spring.

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