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How should I approach this?

GodsPlanGodsPlan Member
in General 176 karma

Hey guys, so I'm just about to go into year one of studying and recently started PTing.

This last month I decided to start PTing. I've completed 5 so far and have averaged 141 which is really frustrating. When looking through analytics a majority of loss is coming from RC and LR (averaging -16). I've considered going through the CC but I feel like I'm cheating myself because I've seen the answers for those questions already since I've done the content.

My question is what my plan of attack should be considering I'm set to write in march (might push it back if I start showing some dramatic improvement)? My goal score is 163. Also before it's asked, yes I've taken breaks from studying to avoid burning out.

Thanks for the advice, hopefully I start gaining traction soon!


  • olgalsatolgalsat Alum Member
    158 karma

    I'm also writting in March 2020, but from October till last week of December, I've been focusing on building my foundation for all three areas. I would highly advise you don't burn through practice tests since they are one of the most effective ways to improve your scores. Hence, do practice tests once you have the foundations down, and after every single practice test blindreview and see exactly what type of questions your missing, why your answer is wrong, etc... I start practice testing starting January and I don't plan on doing more then two a week since reviewing the PT is crucial! There is a ton of blind review sessions held and you can join to see how your thinking varies from others. I hope this helps! My goal score is also 163ish and we will pull it off! Hard work and perserverance.

  • aya.allamaya.allam Alum Member
    12 karma

    Yeah just to quickly echo the Keepgoing's comment, you should absolutely not be taking PT's until you've practiced the foundations a good amount. You don't want to waste those PT's, since there are a limited number. Go thru the syllabus and cover the sections on RC and LR, especially those related to the kinds of questions you're losing points on. Take the problem sets as practice, and once you start getting good scores on that, move on to the PTs. That's my advice at least, it worked for me.

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