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Updated Transcript

rachelmartinez422rachelmartinez422 Free Trial Member

Hi everyone!

I wanted to get all my applications sumbitted before January, but I'm waiting for my Fall transcripts to be updated. If I submit them now and then send emails to the law schools saying my updated transcripts are being processed, will they recieve them or take them into account?

I've been trying to get in contact with LSAC and the schools, but they're all closed for the holidays ):

Thanks in advance!!!


  • taschasptaschasp Alum Member Sage
    796 karma


    Updating Your Transcript Information
    You should have official transcripts sent to LSAC for any additional academic work completed after your initial law school reports have been sent to law schools by LSAC. This information will be incorporated into your file, and updated transcript reports will be sent to the law schools as long as their reporting term is still current.

    I think whether or not specific schools will wait for your transcript or review it as part of your application may depend on the school. If you want them to hold off on reviewing until you get your transcript, I'm not sure you'd be in any advantage applying sooner since you want them to hold off on reviewing your application anyway. But I assume that schools will probably start reviewing your application if you submit without the transcripts, unless you provide an addendum or email asking them to wait for the new transcripts to come in. The advantage in that, I guess, would be that they could start reviewing your application as soon as they come in (rather than, if you wait for them and then apply, there might be a slight delay).

    But I don't have any direct experience in this so I hope others can pitch in, because I'm not sure what the best course of action is!

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