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Recommendation Letters

Hi there,

I really need advice on applying to law schools. I attended the University of Michigan for undergraduate and got As and Bs. I think with a good LSAT score I can probably get into a decent school. My problem is that I struggled my junior year with extreme anxiety. It carried over to my senior year and I was even hospitalized for it. For this reason, I was panicked to attend office hours/class and never established a relationship with any of my professors. The idea of one-on-one time would panic me. Now, In hindsight I understand how much I put myself at a disadvantage. What should I do about recommendation letters? I fear that my lack of possible recommendation will outweigh any of my academic achievements or LSAT scores. I graduated in May 2019 and plan to apply this upcoming admissions cycle (if I can take the LSAT) in time. I’m looking for any and all advice. I just want to know what my options are and how I can optimize my situation to ensure the strongest application for myself. Please help and advise. Thanks!

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