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Struggling with drawing valid conclusions!! help help help

MiamiLaw2024MiamiLaw2024 Alum Member

Hey everyone! So I'm really struggling with the lesson on drawing valid conclusions. Particularly, the quiz titled "Quiz on Drawing Valid Conclusions with Translations z w/ Answers" and every subsequent one. I know that the lessons are cumulative, so I haven't been able to do any other LR lessons until I surpass this one and fully understand it. Has anyone else struggled with this particular quiz/lesson too? if so, are there any tips, tricks, or additional resources out there that can assist me in understanding and moving past this lesson?

Thanks in advance!


  • lexxx745lexxx745 Alum Member Sage
    3190 karma

    What particularly are you struggling on? Can you give an example?

  • Law and YodaLaw and Yoda Alum Member
    edited February 2020 4312 karma

    I believe you are referring to the lesson in Invalid Argument Forms (hopefully I am guessing correctly). I really struggled with this in the beginning and starred the quizzes I didn't do well on to come back to (almost all of them). I continued throughout the CC, which was tough at first because like you said, invalid/valid arguments are crucial to understanding LR. But moving forward and realizing what I was missing when I would read the stimulus somehow helped gauge what I didn't understand with invalid arguments. Here is a list of things I did to become better at argument forms.

    1) Memorize all the valid and invalid forms (I made a set of hand written flash cards and reviewed them 2/3 times a day, making note of which ones I missed)
    2) Understand all the valid and invalid forms. This is so different than just memorizing. If you see A --> B, you need quickly recognize what will happen if you confirm the sufficient condition (A) and what will happen if you deny the necessary (B). Recognize that both are a valid form and then quickly quiz yourself on what would need to occur for it to become an invalid form (for example, denying the sufficient condition A).
    3) Practice the valid and invalid forms with short sentences. For example, If a student studies each argument form, then they will score a 180 on the LSAT. This looks like A --> B, Student studies --> 180 on LSAT. Quiz yourself on which type of valid or invalid argument form will align with the sentence structure.
    4) Practice with phrases or paragraphs. Repeat step 3 but with a passage to really apply what you've learned into a bigger picture.

    I know this process may seem lengthy or tedious, and to be honest I started doing this two months ago and I still do it everyday to keep getting better and faster, but I can promise it'll make a huge difference in how you understand argument forms and LR! I am definitely no expert and I am sure there are many more 7sagers out there who excel in this area but If you have any questions please don't hesitate to DM!

  • MiamiLaw2024MiamiLaw2024 Alum Member
    62 karma

    Thank you so much for the tips! I will definitely begin to implement! :smile:

  • Hopeful9812Hopeful9812 Member
    872 karma

    I also made flashcards for all of valid and invalid argument forms and would regularly review those. It's been helping- so I recommend doing that!

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