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Will Loophole hurt my score?

Hi everyone! I've been preparing since the middle of December for the April administration. I've spent most of that time learning and drilling the fundamentals (mostly from the trainer) before getting into full PTs, so I've only taken 9 of those so far.

Recently, I've been getting -2 to -5 overall (not per section) on LR and averaging about -3.5, but I just took PT 73 and only got 1 wrong. Overall I feel good about the questions, although I work much more intuitively than by following the methods strictly and am not 100% confident on at least a couple per section. I've heard great things about Loophole, but I'm a little worried that a new approach will hurt my performance at this level and I won't be able to correct in time for the April test.

I'm wondering if I should work through Loophole or just keep practicing, review better and see if I can get the last couple of questions that way.

Has anyone been in the same position? Did adjusting your approach hurt your score?



  • lexxx745lexxx745 Alum Member Sage
    3190 karma

    Ive only heard great things about the loophole. More than anything though, I think the phrase dont fix whats not broken applies here. If you're happy with your performance, and still learning, I think that is enough reason to not try something new.

  • Kiva_180Kiva_180 Member
    130 karma

    @lexxx745 I'm happy with my performance, but I am looking for improvements in LR to reach my next score goal. I don't feel like I'm learning per se, but I do think I'm getting better at seeing trap answers and understanding question patterns, which is improving my performance.

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