PT66.S3.G1 - a chemistry class has 6 lab sessions

mrueda08mrueda08 Free Trial Member
edited January 2016 in Logic Games 4 karma
For this game, the instructor said "J" and "O" can't be stacked together because the rule is: "J" comes earlier than "O." If "J" is stacked with "O," with "J" in the a.m. and "O" in the p.m., isn't that still J - O?


  • emli1000emli1000 Alum Member Inactive ⭐
    3462 karma
    According to rule #4 J must MEET ON AN EARLIER DAY then O. Therefore you cannot place O on the PM slot because J & O cannot not be on the same day since J is a DAY before. For example if you place J on Wed AM and O on Wed PM then that is on the same day, and J is a day earlier. Make sure you do not contradict rule #4 (J-O).
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