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What's your BR method?

Law and YodaLaw and Yoda Alum Member
in General 4312 karma

I've watched a few webinars on how BR should be done and read a lot of post on what some people do. I'm just curious which kind of BR seems to be more helpful/liked among the community! I'll give a brief description of each option below;

Option #1: You create a new copy of your PT and retake all the questions untimed. This way you don't see your previous AC you selected.

Option #2: You use the same copy PT and review the questions you circled. Comparing the AC you circled to the other AC.

If there is another way that you review I'd love to hear about it!

BR Method
  1. What is your BR approach?9 votes
    1. Fresh PT, untimed, redo all questions
    2. Same PT, untimed, only questions you circled


  • taschasptaschasp Alum Member Sage
    796 karma

    Option 1 is not an efficient use of your time.

    I found that the best strategy is to to do Option 2, but with some additions. At the end of each PT, after doing Option 2 Blind Review, quickly go through the answer sheet and mark down the Q#s you got wrong. If you're doing the test on 7sage, write down the questions you got wrong on a separate piece of paper. Then give it a day and come back to the test later, go back to those questions you marked as wrong WITHOUT looking at the correct answer (if 7sage, use the print/PDF view so that you're not seeing the answers). The point here is that you're going to spend extra mental effort on questions that you got wrong, but that you thought you had down. So now you spend extra time thinking hard about these questions until you really feel like you've broken it down fully and, hopefully, figured out why the answer choice you picked was actually wrong (and why another choice is actually correct).

    As much as possible, though especially later on in studying and at higher scores, you want to look at answer explanations only as a final check to compare your reasoning to someone else's. You want to do all the hard work of thinking about the question and figuring out everything about it on your own. Just sitting there and thinking about it as much as you can and pushing yourself until something clicks will help you internalize what you learned for future questions much much better than looking up answers.

    And when you really can't figure it out no matter how much time you spend on a question, then when you do look up the answer, you really really really need to make an effort to figure out what the hell was going wrong in your brain, and internalize that lesson for future. Ideally, you should mark that question down in a journal and come back to it in a week again and see if you remember the lesson you learned from getting it wrong.

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