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Waitlist question BC & GW

The JudgesThe Judges Free Trial Member
edited March 2020 in Law School Admissions 364 karma

Dear All,

Hope quarantine finds you all well! I have posted in the past I just graduated with a 3.75 from a top 30 undergrad and have experience with tribal nations and international criminal law. My weakness is a 156 LSAT which i am hopefully changing in april, I have been testing consistently in the 162-5 range. Once I got the 156 I was sure no law school would want me but my friend made me apply to 3. My results so far is waitlists from both GW and BC. I am curious how hard it is to go off these schools waitlists'? Also I am curious if I should just take a gap year and try again with a fresh batch of schools?


  • SandwichelleSandwichelle Alum Member
    234 karma

    I think you should go for the higher score, however you have to do that. There is a world of difference between the 156 score and a 165 score! Go for it! You'll most likely be off those waitlists with a score above 160!

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