
msizzleeemsizzleee Alum Member
in General 183 karma
Hi everyone!

I started 7Sage's Ultimate Course January 1st (I really took my New Year's resolution of actually studying to heart lol) and have worked my way through almost all of it. I skipped the logic game sections as I went through the course because I didn't have time to foolproof since I work full time. Now I'm going back and working through the games.

My problem is this: I began the course with the aim of taking the June 2015 test. However, I am now a few weeks behind in the curriculum and have yet to take a practice test (it's almost March--yikes!). I'm not willing to take this test until I am scoring where I want to be scoring on the PTs (mid-high 160s would be ideal) since I've already taken the test once. Would it make sense to just hold off until October? I work full-time but I'm almost at the point where I'm willing to take time off to study (ie find a new job/opportunity after finishing apps). At the same time, it'd be nice to get the June test done so that I can take all summer to work on rounding up letters of rec and working on essays.

What do you guys think? What has been your experience in finishing up the course and then taking practice tests-is there enough time to improve by the June test?

Thanks so much for your help! I really enjoy this community-oriented discussion page. It really makes you feel like we're all on the same boat, albeit going at different rates haha :)


  • harrismeganharrismegan Member
    2074 karma
    Honestly. I took the December test and was going to retake in June. I, like you, started the Ultimate course in January. I work full time as well. I've been plugging away at it and am almost complete.

    I would say that if you're taking prep tests and ranging within your target area or above, then go for it. But, if you aren't, or you aren't even close, then don't. You can always sign up and decide not to write it as you get closer.
  • jdawg113jdawg113 Alum Inactive ⭐
    2654 karma
    You're thinking a bit much into this, it may seem as though there is almost no time until the June test but there is plenty! Just keep going at it, get your LG down and fit in what you can. Once you have a good foundation on everything jump on into PT's (start around 38+ and work up from there) Again there is a fine amount of time to get into the rest of your prep and take PT's. It is hard but possible working FT. Maybe pushing back isnt a terrible idea, but theres no way to know this early on.
  • shine.on.meshine.on.me Alum Member
    463 karma
    I don't know how much advice I can give you on determining whether or not you will be ready for the June test. I am in exactly the same situation. I can however provide my opinion as it pertains to my situation.

    I am working full-time and I am enrolled in the Ultimate course. I just started working on the weakening questions. I'm going very slow in an attempt to understand more deeply. I do not have the option of taking time off to study for this test. Furthermore, I slack off when I give myself the false impression of too much time. Its what happened the first time I took the LSAT. I know with my busy schedule and with the amount of improvement I must do, it will take at least until October. So I am setting my sights for the October test. My goal is high 160s low 170s. Right now scoring 155-160 which is a already a big improvement from previous tests.

    I think on the question of whether you should wait until October or take in June depends on personal goals and study habits. If you think you'll be ready, take it. If not put it off. I personally know that I have to wait until October. But in the end its up to you.

    Best of Luck. :-)
  • emli1000emli1000 Alum Member Inactive ⭐
    3462 karma
    Only you can determine if you'll be ready for the June or October LSAT. Just keep studying and don't give up! By May, maybe you'll be in the high 170s, who knows.
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