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When everything else seems to be going wrong

TheresaAnnTheresaAnn Member
in General 109 karma

So I just feel the desire to share something with you all. I have been in tears twice during work today, not because of whats been going wrong but what has gone shockingly, incredibly right. I have been studying since October saw substantial gains after the first month of taking practice tests then my score leveled off at 160 for over a month. I had been taking tests twice a week in preparation for the April test, but I rescheduled to June for obvious reasons and because my score wasnt close to my goal of 170. I took a week off of PT's and spent more time thoroughly studying my LR answers from the last test. I had fallen into a habit of lazy reviewing for sure, with all of your voices in the back of my head telling me I should be putting in more effort, writing out answer choice explanations. I gathered my thoughts before my PT yesterday and wrote out my approach for each section, interacting with the RC passages, skipping questions on LR, and taking a moment to consider how my rules interact for LG. I scored a freaking 167! I'm psyched, I'm shocked, and relieved that my potential is there. For me it was never a matter of if I had it in me, it was a matter of if I was going to follow through with what I needed to do to get there. If I have learned anything its that these victories are meant to be short lived, I need to keep pushing and making that score consistent before I make my goal of 3 more points. Having until June makes me extra confident I can do it. ALSO, long story short I have a bachelors degree in chemistry and have had a tough time since graduating two years ago, I have jumped between a few jobs and havent gotten above the position of a lab tech, which according to my degree I am over qualified for but the world is a cruel place. I am on a contract at my current company set to end in April with hopes of getting hired on, which is horrible timing considering the damn economy rn. BUT my managers decided they "didnt want to lose me" and hired me on the spot for a scientist position (definitely rushed considering the real possibility of a hiring freeze coming on). This week (this month for that matter) is a prime example of how anything can be flipped on its head. Keep working HARD. Always do the next right thing for you and be kind to everyone around you, you never know who is watching. Thanks all, carry on!

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