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Saturday, April 11, 7:30pm EST – LR Skipping Webinar

Mike_RossMike_Ross Alum Member Sage
edited April 2020 in Logical Reasoning 3113 karma

Hello everyone,

Hope you're finding a way to maximize your LSAT prep in quarantine!

Just wanted to share that @"Cant Get Right" and I will be hosting a webinar on skipping strategy this

Saturday, April 11th at 7:30pm EST

Several of you have been asking about skipping strategy and specifically about what worked for me here:

@"Cant Get Right" was my tutor when I was grinding and learning how to apply this skipping strategy was key to maintaining a consistent score range in LR

If you're interested in learning what it is, we'd love to tell you about it!

We're in the midst of preparing for the webinar and will be sharing the link soon.

Hope to see you there!





  • 1058 karma

    I am looking forward to this!

  • yeasm22syeasm22s Member
    217 karma

    Looking forward!!

  • Confidence150Confidence150 Alum Member
    1422 karma

    Thank you. Looking forward!

  • FlashLSATFlashLSAT Alum Member
    293 karma

    would definitely be interested!

  • MarkmarkMarkmark Alum Member
    976 karma


  • ilovethelsatilovethelsat Member
    348 karma

    Amazing! Thanks a ton for doing this, both of you

  • lsatlearnerlsatlearner Member
    33 karma

    Looking forward to this!!!!

  • jmarmaduke96jmarmaduke96 Member Sage
    2891 karma

    Thank you! Looking forward to it!

  • FindingSageFindingSage Alum Member
    2047 karma

    Thank you! I will plan on being there.

  • Granger DangerGranger Danger Alum Member
    717 karma


  • Cant Get RightCant Get Right Yearly + Live Member Sage 🍌 7Sage Tutor
    28066 karma

    This is going to be excellent. Big thanks to @Mike_Ross for organizing this and finally getting it to happen. I feel like I've been referencing my intention to do this for quite a long time now, so it's past due! I'm also really excited about the formatting and having @Mike_Ross to discuss things with. I think the more conversational presentation is going to be much better for everyone than just having me ramble on unchecked, lol. Can't wait, and see you all there!

  • msiummsium Member
    70 karma

    Yay! Super excited for this! Thanks for taking the time out to do it!

  • Mike_RossMike_Ross Alum Member Sage
    3113 karma

    @"Cant Get Right" said:
    This is going to be excellent. Big thanks to @Mike_Ross for organizing this and finally getting it to happen. I feel like I've been referencing my intention to do this for quite a long time now, so it's past due! I'm also really excited about the formatting and having @Mike_Ross to discuss things with. I think the more conversational presentation is going to be much better for everyone than just having me ramble on unchecked, lol. Can't wait, and see you all there!

    Hopefully we find a way to structure our thoughts for a coherent presentation lol!

  • Mirena LavellanMirena Lavellan Alum Member
    20 karma

    Definitely looking forward to it and plan on attending! :)

  • Cee-MattCee-Matt Alum Member
    39 karma

    I'm curious to see an effective strategy and hoping to be able to apply it.

  • DefenderDefender Alum Member
    348 karma

    Hey all! Where is the link for this? Thanks!

  • Cant Get RightCant Get Right Yearly + Live Member Sage 🍌 7Sage Tutor
    28066 karma

    @solor16 said:
    Hey all! Where is the link for this? Thanks!

    Coming soon!

  • edited April 2020 31 karma

    definately want to join!

  • Mike_RossMike_Ross Alum Member Sage
    edited April 2020 3113 karma

    Hey everyone!

    @"Cant Get Right" and I just did a dry run reviewing our presentation for this saturday's webinar

    We're feeling pretty great about it and we think you'll like it too!

    hope to see you all this SATURDAY, APRIL 11 7:30 pm EST!


  • sarahisksarahisk Member
    272 karma

    Will a recording be made available for those who are unable to attend?

  • Sonny AlishaSonny Alisha Core Member
    9 karma

    I'd love to join as well! This is something I definitely struggle with.

  • Alice003Alice003 Live Member
    692 karma

    Thank you so much for doing this! I definitely will be there!

  • Jahn.SnowJahn.Snow Member
    316 karma

    Thank you guys!!

  • Zamalek95Zamalek95 Member
    38 karma

    Hi. where are you holding this presentation? I'm super interested!!

  • JerseyLife49JerseyLife49 Alum Member
    95 karma

    I second @sarahisk . Just not sure if I will definitely be able to attend (due to holiday-related festivities), but would love to still be able to see it!! Thank you in advance.

  • Mike_RossMike_Ross Alum Member Sage
    3113 karma

    @JerseyLife49 said:
    I second @sarahisk . Just not sure if I will definitely be able to attend (due to holiday-related festivities), but would love to still be able to see it!! Thank you in advance.

    Hey guys, we will likely record it and consider how to repost so no worries!

    @Zamalek95 said:
    Hi. where are you holding this presentation? I'm super interested!!

    Hey! it'll be on Zoom. Will share the link soon!!!

  • BLS231196BLS231196 Alum Member
    74 karma

    Is there a Zoom link for the event?

  • Mike_RossMike_Ross Alum Member Sage
    3113 karma

    @brando123 said:
    Is there a Zoom link for the event?

    Hey! (and hey to everyone still wondering about this)

    @"Cant Get Right" and I are adding our finishing touches and will share the Zoom link shortly!

  • Mike_RossMike_Ross Alum Member Sage
    3113 karma

    Hello everyone,

    We have included the Zoom link in the original post above

    But here it is just in case:

    See you at 7:30pm EST!

  • Mike_RossMike_Ross Alum Member Sage
    3113 karma

    Hey everyone,

    We're getting ready to start

    Click the link and join us if you're planning to attend!

    See you soon!

  • CRISPR24CRISPR24 Alum Member
    edited April 2020 262 karma

    It was a great webinar, thank you both @"Mike_Ross" and @"Cant Get Right" for sharing your knowledge! Really appreciate it!

  • Jeff----Jeff---- Alum Member
    211 karma

    Hi @Mike_Ross and @"Cant Get Right" I could not make it to the webinar last night, I am on the West Coast, so that and life, made it a little inconvenient. I was wondering and very much hoping, if you guys recorded the webinar and if you will have it available somewhere, sometime?
    I am really hoping to God you guys will have it in a cloud somewhere.

    Please, lmk and thank you so much.

  • Mike_RossMike_Ross Alum Member Sage
    3113 karma

    @"Jeff----" said:
    Hi @Mike_Ross and @"Cant Get Right" I could not make it to the webinar last night, I am on the West Coast, so that and life, made it a little inconvenient. I was wondering and very much hoping, if you guys recorded the webinar and if you will have it available somewhere, sometime?
    I am really hoping to God you guys will have it in a cloud somewhere.

    Please, lmk and thank you so much.

    Hey Jeff, no problem. We did record the session and am thinking about where to make it available

    If anyone is interested please let us know!

  • Alice003Alice003 Live Member
    692 karma

    @Mike_Ross and @Cant Get Right, ! I am very interested in it! Even if I attended this webinar last night, I hope I can listen it again if it is possible. Especially the data sheet portion! Thank you again for doing it!!!

  • VegaHedgingVegaHedging Alum Member
    111 karma

    @Mike_Ross @"Cant Get Right" I'd like to have the link as well please! Thanks a lot!

  • FindingSageFindingSage Alum Member
    2047 karma

    I would also love to have a copy of the presentation, I thought you both did a great job! I do still have a couple of questions. I was wondering where you came up with a specified number of questions to miss on round one? Was that induvidual? Based on score? And by skipping did you mean just skip totally or try to elminate a couple of answers and then skip?

  • Mike_RossMike_Ross Alum Member Sage
    3113 karma

    @FindingSage said:
    I would also love to have a copy of the presentation, I thought you both did a great job! I do still have a couple of questions. I was wondering where you came up with a specified number of questions to miss on round one? Was that induvidual? Based on score? And by skipping did you mean just skip totally or try to elminate a couple of answers and then skip?

    Hey! glad you enjoyed it!

    1) Deciding how many questions to skip will vary according to your comfort level. My optimum # was 6-7 but for someone else, it might be say, 4-5 or say 7-8. It will vary. Then, you'd determine how much time you need to allocated for this group of questions. Is it 7 mins? 10mins? 5mins?

    What matters is that you test your ideas in a timed run and collect data before making an informed decision.

    2) Skipping questions: this also depends on your decision calculus.

    For me, I wanted to maintain a good rhythm and momentum throughout my timed run in round 1. That means I wasn't going to let any speed bumps trip me up and cause me to linger and waste time.

    You can break momentum in many ways:

    Maybe it's a question type you know you need more time to work with.

    Maybe it's something that will require a lot of diagramming that you just dont have to do till the end. For ex: if this is going to take you 2:30 secs to do, is it a good trade off to do it now? better to leave it till later once you've picked off the lower-hanging fruit (questions you're 0.8 confident about)

    Maybe you attempt a question, you read the stimulus and realize "wow this is so dense I have no idea" and that's when you decide to cut bait because no sense in wasting more time on this

    Or if you saw my RRE example, the one where I went 0 CS on round 1 and .8 CS on round 2: Maybe you get to the end of the ACs and realize you just eliminated everything. You have to decide then and there "do I reset and go through it again?" or "it's better to just get distance and come back to this without the pressure of knowing there's still 10 more questions to go through" Often times there was something you overlooked in the stimulus that you just needed time away from to see

    So, all this comes from having deep self examination from your timed takes!

  • Alice003Alice003 Live Member
    edited April 2020 692 karma

    @Mike_Ross, I very would love having the copy of the presentation too! Both of you really did a great job last night! It was a professional presentation! Thank you!

    Thank you so much for explaining how to decide the skipping numbers at above! I have a few questions too and hope to get your help. How did you calculate the time for the first round and 2nd round? You used the timer to time each question when you did PT or session? I know you did PT or Section in paper rather than in computer or tablet. Which tool did you use to take video for yourself and then you can watch the video to know how many time you spent for each question? Thank you so much again!

  • Jeff----Jeff---- Alum Member
    211 karma

    @Mike_Ross Thank you so much for getting back to me. Yes, the more I read the comments from members who attended to the webinar, the more I want to watch it. Please, do publish it somewhere, I am extremely eager to watch it and very much looking forward to it. I hope to see it soon, and your response to @FindingSage were great, super helpful.

    Thank you so much and hope to see the webinar soon.

  • theserg13theserg13 Alum Member
    edited April 2020 96 karma

    @Mike_Ross said:

    @"Jeff----" said:
    Hi @Mike_Ross and @"Cant Get Right" I could not make it to the webinar last night, I am on the West Coast, so that and life, made it a little inconvenient. I was wondering and very much hoping, if you guys recorded the webinar and if you will have it available somewhere, sometime?
    I am really hoping to God you guys will have it in a cloud somewhere.

    Please, lmk and thank you so much.

    Hey Jeff, no problem. We did record the session and am thinking about where to make it available

    If anyone is interested please let us know!

    @Mike_Ross Was only able to stay for a little so I'd love to hear the rest! As a recommendation, maybe post it as an unlisted video on YouTube so you can share the link to watch the video but it won't pop on your page/any search.

  • FindingSageFindingSage Alum Member
    2047 karma

    @Mike_Ross Thank you so much for your detailed response! I truly appreciate it. Underconfidence is an issue for me so I know the more answer choices I leave without a response the more I get into my head and let the self doubt take over and not stick to strategy. I had never thought about having a set number of questions to leave open on the first round. I have just been leaving open questions where: 1). I am not connecting with the stiumlus ( could be for a variety of reasons)
    2). I have made a prediction and I am not finding an any answer choices that match the perdiction
    3). I have made a prediction and two answer choices seem to be saying the same thing or are similiar enough that I know I will need additional time to parse out
    4.) The stimulus is highly conditional or abtract
    5. Sometimes parallel flaw/parallel reasoning where I might need to map out and don't want to lose time

    I haven't really counted how many questions this adds up to be, I do sometimes start worrying about them and get tempted to go back but trying to work on not doing that. But do you think trying to have a set number of questions ( like the 6-7) that I am planning on leaving blank will help? Trying to become more aggressive in how I take the test has been helping me break into the next level but like I said I am under confident and get nervous about leaving questions open and having a lot of questions flagged. Do you think having a specific number of questions that I am planning on leaving unanswered round one will help me feel more confident? I should mention that my blind review score is consistently where I want to be timed.

    Thank you again!

  • Mike_RossMike_Ross Alum Member Sage
    3113 karma

    Wow there are so many follow up questions that makes me think either we didn’t go into enough detail or perhaps a sequel is needed to do a deeper dive..

    Would anyone want another session?

    What do you think?
    @"Cant Get Right"

  • WhimsicalWillowWhimsicalWillow Live Member
    79 karma

    @Mike_Ross I am so sad I missed this. Is there a recording?

  • 42 karma

    @Mike_Ross I would definitely be interested in another session but only if it's not too much trouble

  • FindingSageFindingSage Alum Member
    2047 karma

    @Mike_Ross, If it isn't too much trouble and there is another session I would love to attend. Sorry to ask so many questions, I am just unfamiliar with some of these concepts.

  • Mike_RossMike_Ross Alum Member Sage
    3113 karma

    @Alice003 said:
    @Mike_Ross, I very would love having the copy of the presentation too! Both of you really did a great job last night! It was a professional presentation! Thank you!

    Thank you so much for explaining how to decide the skipping numbers at above! I have a few questions too and hope to get your help. How did you calculate the time for the first round and 2nd round? You used the timer to time each question when you did PT or session? I know you did PT or Section in paper rather than in computer or tablet. Which tool did you use to take video for yourself and then you can watch the video to know how many time you spent for each question? Thank you so much again!

    Hey Alice!

    Yes so for recording time, I didn't worry about recording time DURING the take. I filmed myself and got the data from the recording. I used a gooseneck Iphone holder to hold my iphone while I filmed myself. Make sure you have a cable long enough to connect it to a charger!

  • Mike_RossMike_Ross Alum Member Sage
    3113 karma

    @theserg13 said:

    @Mike_Ross said:

    @"Jeff----" said:
    Hi @Mike_Ross and @"Cant Get Right" I could not make it to the webinar last night, I am on the West Coast, so that and life, made it a little inconvenient. I was wondering and very much hoping, if you guys recorded the webinar and if you will have it available somewhere, sometime?
    I am really hoping to God you guys will have it in a cloud somewhere.

    Please, lmk and thank you so much.

    Hey Jeff, no problem. We did record the session and am thinking about where to make it available

    If anyone is interested please let us know!

    @Mike_Ross Was only able to stay for a little so I'd love to hear the rest! As a recommendation, maybe post it as an unlisted video on YouTube so you can share the link to watch the video but it won't pop on your page/any search.

    Cool idea! will have to talk to @"Cant Get Right" and see what we can come up with!

  • audeamus300audeamus300 Alum Member
    226 karma

    @Mike_Ross Hi Mike! I'm so sad that I could not attend. Is there a link where we can see the recording? Thanks.

  • Mike_RossMike_Ross Alum Member Sage
    3113 karma

    @FindingSage said:
    @Mike_Ross Thank you so much for your detailed response! I truly appreciate it. Underconfidence is an issue for me so I know the more answer choices I leave without a response the more I get into my head and let the self doubt take over and not stick to strategy. I had never thought about having a set number of questions to leave open on the first round. I have just been leaving open questions where: 1). I am not connecting with the stiumlus ( could be for a variety of reasons)
    2). I have made a prediction and I am not finding an any answer choices that match the perdiction
    3). I have made a prediction and two answer choices seem to be saying the same thing or are similiar enough that I know I will need additional time to parse out
    4.) The stimulus is highly conditional or abtract
    5. Sometimes parallel flaw/parallel reasoning where I might need to map out and don't want to lose time

    I haven't really counted how many questions this adds up to be, I do sometimes start worrying about them and get tempted to go back but trying to work on not doing that. But do you think trying to have a set number of questions ( like the 6-7) that I am planning on leaving blank will help? Trying to become more aggressive in how I take the test has been helping me break into the next level but like I said I am under confident and get nervous about leaving questions open and having a lot of questions flagged. Do you think having a specific number of questions that I am planning on leaving unanswered round one will help me feel more confident? I should mention that my blind review score is consistently where I want to be timed.

    Thank you again!


    no problem. Anxiety can never be eliminated but it can be managed. That feeling that "oh dear what is the AC? I just eliminated all of them" Or "is it A or B? they both sound the same!" is very real. So you have some choices. Do you go back and re-read? or do you just cut bait, move on, and come back for a second look? these are pre-determined decisions you need to know you will make before taking a section. That way, when you do encounter such a situation, you'll know what to do. Instead of lingering, wondering, agonizing, and burning more time, right?

    So, on that note: yes having a pre-determined # of Qs you want to skip helps! Determining anything you know you will do when you encounter ____ on the test is a huge help for managing anxiety

    In fact, it sounds like you already know what kind of Qs and issues get you! Most of them sound like the type that trigger: "GET OUT OF THERE NOW!" for me

    Lastly, just remember: Why are we doing this? because we want to take the LSAT on OUR terms. That means we miss questions on our terms. we take question on our terms. We dont let the test dictate our rhythm; we determine how we plan to approach the section. That's why we know what kind of questions we want to skip and how many!

    Doesn't even reading this and considering it make you feel more confident? imagine how it'll feel in practice!

  • jmarmaduke96jmarmaduke96 Member Sage
    2891 karma

    @Mike_Ross You and @"Cant Get Right" were already so generous to put on one webinar and I am sure that we are all grateful. However, I would certainly be one of the students interested in another session to touch on some concepts in more detail!

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